Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Beginning...

     How does one start a blog. I mean aside from all the technical stuff, what do you write about. I guess the reasoning behind this blog would be a good starting point.

     I feel like I am drowning, in a sea of stupidity and idiotic behaviors. I am being dragged down by political bureaucracy and social double standards. I am crying out for help, but it is all falling on deaf ears.

     By writing this out, and sharing it with the world, to have it potentially read, analyzed, and dissected by millions of people (but realistically only by myself),
          is my form of therapy,
                    my form of outlet,
                              my way of screaming, “FUCK!!!!!!!!”
because everything has become so politically correct.

     So come visit, I will try and update as time permits. Some stuff will offend people, some stuff will shock people, but personally, I can care less.. fuck y’all


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