Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Stupid People Part II

I believe firmly that for a group of people to survive, it is a requirement that a equally stupid (or stupider) person is in place to lead them. And so is the case with the call center.

Our office received an email yesterday from stupid leader, regarding a database that I maintain. The database is designed for the back office (us) to use to track things, and call center reference the database when customers call, having questions or would like to schedule an appointment. Nothing complicated, nothing hard. But it never cease to amaze me how stupid people come up with ways to fuck things up.

One of the most annoying thing they would do is print a copy of the record in question, write out the question on the bottom and fax it over to us for us deal with. Look, I have 6 stacks of faxes dating back to February, I really don't need any more faxes (Stay tune on my rant on faxes!). The question you write on these faxes are all in the scope of manual we had numerous meeting about, follow it.. If you can not understand how to deal with a problem, because the said situation is not exactly as describe in the manual (and I can understand how that can confuse ones as stupid as people in the call center) then give us a call, we can quickly solve this problem. But no.. instead, they do these printing record thing, fax it.. and wait for us to deal with it. Thanks for adding to the problem.

So to combat this, I decided to disable printing. I disabled screen capture in the database, (But I was stupid and forgot to disable the print function from the menu itself. Hey, we all have our stupid moments.)

I digress, So this stupid leader of the call center idiots emailed us, stating that he has notice changes, making using the database less effective, when they are trying to support our department.. (Are you kidding me.. I have gotten like 50 less faxes a day!)

So here are the "changes" he point out:

- The Print Screen function has been disabled.
- The database will close on a user within 2 minutes, each time forcing the user/agent to reopen the database beginning at record number one.
- The database will not allow the printing of a particular page; the error message states that the page has been modified and is too wide to print.

Ok.. first one, I had a hand in.. but it still did not prevent printing of said record.

Database will close in within 2 minutes.. NO SHIT, that was implemented when I created the Database. It's 1) so stupid call center people won't lock up my database by sitting in it all day and 2) to comply with company policy. This has never changed.. Why is this being brought up now?

then there is the "error message" Look, for whatever reason, it is just telling you that it is too wide to fit into the screen, if you just press the OK button, it will still print. But let me guess.. you pressed cancel cause you are afraid it might blow up or something.

So, let's add all of that to my boss not willing to stand up for us.. I had a misfiring of the synapse and just blew up..

I hope I still have a job..

GOD, I hate the call center


Blogger The World Against Me said...

You rock girl, I am going to try it this weekend

11:50 AM, May 18, 2005  
Blogger Shananigans said...

Mmmmm... that sounds yummy.

11:21 AM, May 25, 2005  

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