Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I'm IT!

Ok.. I wasn't going to post anything until I return to work on Thursday, but I was tagged by Aarwenn and I have tons of things on my mind I need to blog about.. so I want to get this out of the way. (And because she said I was "awesome", I've always been a sucker for sweet talk.)

Pick 5 of the following questions and then complete the sentences. Then pass it on to 3 more of your blog friends! (No tag backs allowed.)

If I could be a scientist?
If I could be a farmer?
If I could be a musician?
If I could be a doctor?
If I could be a painter?
If I could be a gardener?
If I could be a missionary?
If I could be a chef?
If I could be an architect?
If I could be a linguist?
If I could be a psychologist?
If I could be a librarian?
If I could be an athlete?
If I could be a lawyer?
If I could be an inn-keeper?
If I could be a professor?
If I could be a writer?
If I could be a llama-rider?
If I could be a bonnie pirate?
If I could be an astronaut?
If I could be a world famous blogger?
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world?
If I could be married to any current famous political figure?

1) If I could be a writer / world famous blogger?

Those two questions are like synonymous, at least in my eyes.. so I will answer both of them and only count it as one.

If I could be a writer, and I am assume a good one, one that people voluntary wants to read, which would be the same as a world famous blogger. I would share with the world my raw emotions, my self righteous ideals, my idiotic opinions and my illogical thoughts. I would share with everyone my experiences, my triumphs, but more importantly, my failures. I would write a graduation speech to educate the youth, like Mary Schmich did. I would write my own obituary. And no, not one that I hope I would have fulfilled when I die, but one that is true and factually correct. Hopefully it will be interesting enough to be listened to and perhaps learned from. And I am sincerely hoping, it doesn’t end as “He work his ass off, died a day after he retired. His wife and kids barely knew him. But he did pay off his final mortgage payment. (Alanis Morisette sings, “Isn’t it ironic?”)”

2) If I could be an athlete?

I would do what Bo don't know! I would be a Football / Basketball / Baseball and Golfer. But not just some run of the mill athletic. I would be Emmitt Smith, Michael Jordan, Alex Rodriguez and Tiger Woods all rolled into one. I would be a SUPER athletic. And there will be one year, say 2020 (nice round number) where I will break every record known to men. Then and only then, do I want to be waken up.. ^_^

3) If I could be a farmer?

I would say F U to government surplus control on my corps; I would make food so cheap that no one in this world will go hungry, ever.

4) If I could be a lawyer?

I would work pro bono cases for people who needs legal help but can’t afford it. People who have been bullied by the system, because they are less fortunate. And No, I will not find loopholes for you, Mr. Orange Juice and Mr. One Glove.

5) If I could be an chef?

If I could be a chef, I would gather every single “comfort food” recipes all the grandmas, aunts and mothers have ever cooked. I will open a restaurant and offer these foods for everyone to enjoy. Who doesn’t have a memory of so-and-so cooking this-and-that?

And now, for my Tag.



Blogger Aarwenn said...


Flattery will get you everywhere. :)

9:00 AM, June 15, 2005  

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