Tuesday, August 16, 2005


As I mentioned before, I got promoted… The work is easier and the hours are shorter (which is a good thing because of my other job, but it’s funny how I am still getting home around the same time…).

But I have been like super tired… and I don’t mean the run-of-the-mill-tired that I am usually in, I am talking about the falling asleep standing, while in the elevator tired. I have no idea why. I think it’s time I go on a vacation. The Dodgers/Giants game a month away seems soooo too far away (GO Dodgers). The Other Place is not for another 2 months. I think I am just burnt out… My wife did mention a cruise to Alaska...

My Muay Thai instructor told me that I should get into some matches and enter myself into some tournaments and prize fights. Funny… maybe if I was half my age and didn’t work 13 hours a day…

A good friend of my is finishing up Wyotech in a couple of weeks. I am proud of him, working a full time job and enduring 18 months of night school. All while have a 3-year-old daughter and another on the way. This is like the only advice (out of thousands) I have given him that he actually listen to. If only he listened to the other ones…

We went fishing on Sunday and he was telling me about a young kid at his school, getting into a bunch of debts with credit card. He told me how he started telling him to stay away from that shit and the moment he said it, he remembered me telling him the same thing a few years back… go figure…

Another friend of mine wanted to be a police officer (actually, she doesn’t really know what she wants to do). She went and took the written test and passed, but failed the physical the first time around. Her parents told me she also failed the second, but when I spoke with her about it, she said that she passed. Why would she lied? As if I would judge her any different… I am beginning to really question this “friendship”…

It’s easy to become complacent and just stay at a job that you enjoy. But what do you do if you are getting paid well, very well, but you hate your job, the people you work with and the people you work for? My friend is in that predicament. I told her to suck it up… Most people hate their jobs and only a handful get pay decently, that’s why it’s call a Job.

I been tagged so many time by so many post I can't keep it straight.. I will do what I can to update them later..


Blogger The World Against Me said...

Hey fucktards.. get off my blog. You should check out www.suckmyleftnut.com

if this keeps up, I am going to have to change it so that only registered bloggers can leave a comment.. at least that will drive away some of the advertisement

9:06 AM, August 17, 2005  

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