Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I am "coming out of the closet"

I am a Democrat, and I voted for Bush.

There… I’ve said it.

But I don’t feel very much like a Democrat, but it’s my label, for that’s the box I checked 10 years ago.

Our society love to label people and things. It is not just enough to be human, or Montana or a car. We like to classify them further; black, white, red states, liberals, easy, stuck-up…

But then again, I don’t feel very blue, or red for that matter. I am more of a flesh color, the color of a human being. I don’t understand how colors became what we believed in. Whatever happened to choice, what ever happened to the 256 shades of gray?

Must I think identically to the other members of the same party? Why can’t I just mooch the ideals that suit me best, some from the left, a few from the right, a little from the top and a bit from the bottom?

There are only a handful of people who knows I voted for Bush. Why, because I live in San Francisco.

San Francisco is like the heart of cultural acceptance. The biggest Chinatown, the biggest Japantown, the largest Gay community and we have a parade for just about everything that can walk and smile. Not to mention the biggest Gay Pride parade.

You can be Black, White, Yellow, Purple or Green, and people will tolerate you. You can be a citizen or stowaway, people will tolerate you. You can be rich, poor, a genius or insane, and people will tolerate you. Hell, you could have commit 14 murders and people would still tolerate you. Notice, I said tolerate, they are just too PC to say or do anything.

That is until you say you are a republican or voted for Bush… watch for the sighs and shaking of the heads. Look for the disbelieving look and the wordy arguments that is ensured to come.

Besides, most people voted for Kerry, not because he was a better candidate, but because there was a lack of choices. “Any democrat is better than Bush,” they said.

One bitch I work with even said she would move back to Canada if Bush wins, it’s been a whole year now, and she is still here.

Yes, I voted for Bush. I dislike war. But find it a necessary evil. Call it what you will, but I see it as self-perseverance, the very basic of all human instincts. If it has to be them, or me, I choose myself. After all, isn’t that what the Bourgeoisie does? Isn’t that what the American way is?

Besides, it’s Me Against The World.


Blogger Beans said...

I thought you were going to say you were gay.
I said I was going to move but I was like 16 at the time so where the hell was I really going to go?
At least you stand by your decisions and convictions and thats always the most admirable and important thing you can do.

2:54 PM, September 13, 2005  
Blogger ramblin' girl said...

I hear ya... I find it interesting that many of my self-proclaimed "liberal" friends are some of the most closed-minded people I know.

6:05 PM, September 13, 2005  
Blogger Shananigans said...

I won’t say I’m not a little disappointed TWAM, but I guess we can still be IFF’s ;) You didn’t happen to mention here if you’ve ever regretting voting for Mr. Bush. I’m just curious because I really don’t understand the attraction at all and I was wondering what your take on it is. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t listen to him speak because everything he says and his body language and expressions just make me want to punch him in the face, and I’m not even a violent person. I agree that we all need to stop being so damn partisan and color coded and maybe actually work on some problem solving.

Leah, that was a very Republican thing that college voting registration girl did to you. Sneak.

4:51 PM, September 16, 2005  
Blogger Susan said...

I voted for Bush too...

2:55 PM, September 20, 2005  

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