Friday, September 02, 2005

More death than neccessary

What’s happening in New Orleans is just plain awful. It reminds me of 9/11, one of those things life throws at you, leaving you shocked and speechless. Much like 9/11, the city’s water hasn’t even started being pumped out yet, and fingers are already pointing.

I don’t care for the political stuff; the left-wingers are using Iraq as an excuse for lack of national guards, using Bush as an excuse for lack of leadership… whatever they can remotely connect. I am really not interested in that… I am interested in the scores of refugees appearing on T.V. complaining.

Now, before you think of me as this heartless S.O.B., hear me out. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know I am all for personal ownership for responsibility and you know that I hate stupid people.

Living in that part of the country, you get hurricane warning like 6 times a year. And I understand, 90% of them aren’t severe enough to even lose sleep over. But people have to understand that the threat is still there. And when a warning is put out, it becomes a personal choice to heed the warning, or ignore it.

The people you see, huddling along side of the Interstate CHOSE to stay, CHOSE to ignore the warning to evacuate.

The people you see out side the convention center, the Superdome, CHOSE to stay, CHOSE to ignore the warning to evacuate.

The people you see looting, most out of greed, not out of necessity (Nikes shoes and clothing, come on), CHOSE to stay, CHOSE to ignore the warning to evacuate.

And since they made that decision, they need to deal with that decision.

What I love is how NAACP and ACLU are trying to put a racial spin onto this. Yes, this is another one of those let’s kill off all poor black people C – O – N - spiracies. Give me a fuckin’ break. (Hey NAACP, tell Africa to stop sending the fuckin hurricanes and tropical storms! What is this, payback?)

I understand that some people live WAY below poverty line and that they do not have any means of transportation to evacuate, but I find it hard to believe that everyone you see on TV along the interstates, outside the convention centers and Superdome and ALL that way. I find it hard to believe that people would rather sit there and bitch and complain instead of doing something about it. And no, I don’t mean go loot or pillage or rob or steal. I mean I would gather up all I can, and start walking to the next town. I know the devastation where I am at and the hopelessness here; at least I can put my future in my hands and do something about it. That is, if I chose to ignore the warning in the first place.

We live in a sociality where responsibilities are too easily displaced on others. We expect instant gratification and when shit hits the fan, the same mentality wants everything fixed right here, right now.

I live in earthquake city, and while I know having to deal with minor earthquakes every few years and a major one, once or twice in my lifetime is much better than dealing with major hurricanes every few years. But imagine the number of lives an Earthquake Advance Warning System would save.

On second thought, probably not a lot, stupid people are everywhere.

** Media bias at its best: (click to enlarge)


Blogger Elizabeth Spraitz said...

I agree with you. A lot of those people didn't have the means to evacuate, but not ALL of them. We cannot blame them for it happening, we cannot blame anyone. All we can do is rebuild and maybe learn from it.

The media bias pisses me off. A young *MINORITY* man looted a store, but a white couple "found" the food.

fuck the media

12:38 PM, September 02, 2005  
Blogger Shananigans said...

Fuck the media, the PO-lice, and goddamn mother nature. We can blame all we want, but it would be better to think about what we can actually do, and maybe what we could learn to keep this from happening this way again (by "we" I mean the people in a position to make this situation better and put prevention/damage control and action into place for next time.)

3:53 PM, September 02, 2005  

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