Thursday, June 30, 2005

Parking and Females

Ever had one of those weeks where it just doesn’t end? It just drags ooooon and oooooon? Well, it has been one of those weeks…

I was late to work yesterday, by almost an hour; that’s how long it took me to find a parking space. It’s not like I was looking for a space extremely close to my work, I park my car like 10 – 15 blocks from my work!

Most of the blocks between where I work and where I park are two-hour parking. In residential areas here in San Francisco, the homeowners in the neighborhood can petition to have their block changed into a two-hour parking zone. I firmly believe these people are some of the most selfish sons of bitches in the world.

You have a house, you have a garage. Park you car in there.
You have a house, you have a driveway in front of the garage. Park your car there!
But no.. instead of using the garage as it is intended. They decided to use it as storage, or convert it into an in-law to be rented out. And they on top of that, they have like 6 cars, all with parking stickers, hoarding up space.. what is up with that?

Then there are the city planners. Can someone explain to me why these city planners make Wednesday, a pretty undesirable day to begin with, even more undesirable?
For in their infinity wisdom, they decide to make 60% of the 20 or so blocks I look for space in street cleaning on Wednesdays. There are other blocks that have street cleaning on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. So it’s not like the street cleaner is not going out to the neighborhood, spread that shit out! Instead, looking for spaces on Wednesday is like winning the lottery.

Finally, we come to the topic of my wife. Recently, I see more and more the difference between male and female. No, I am well versed with the physical differences. I mean how we think, how we interpret the same events. I consider some things to be chores; pulling weed in the yard, washing dishes, sweeping, vacuuming or looking for parking spaces. Chores are not to be enjoyed. It’s a necessary evil. So you just get it over with as fast as possible and move on. My wife on the other hand wants to do a lot of these things together. I understand the need to spend time together. But let me reiterate, these are things, that if given the choice, I would not do willingly. Spending time together doing these things, although will make the chores shorter, does not make it more enjoyable. I want to spend time together doing things that are enjoyable to both of us. Quality not quantity, right?

Now, I know I am going to get a bunch of people telling me that my line of thinking is wrong.. why? Because females and males just think differently.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*phew* I saw the title of your post and thought it was going to be a woman driver rant, and that I was going to have to lay a smackdown. Maybe you can compromise? "You do this, and I'll go do that. I'll meet you in the shower when we're done. ;)"

11:00 AM, June 30, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, how is it possible that you put parking and women in the same catagory? Hello.. COMPLETELY different objects, things, personalities. *sigh* Whatever, you're a guy. Stupid.

On the other hand... I agree that it's just annoying when I have to go with my boyfriend grocery shopping because he doesn't have a car and he has more patience for grocery shopping than I do. He will go down EVERY aisle. Anyhow, wouldn't it be a perfect world if he went out shopping while I cleaned the house??? Multi-tasking, hitting two birds with one stone. I guess it only happens in a perfect world. I need my own blog.

11:09 AM, June 30, 2005  
Blogger ramblin' girl said...

hmmm... this female doesn't like to do chores jointly. love it when guys do them, but honestly, get out of my way when I'm cleaning, please help, just go do something else.

11:10 AM, June 30, 2005  
Blogger Beans said...

I think i think like a dude...
Yeah well i think that doing chores together is weird "yes dear, hold on a minute while I scrub this toilet.."

2:35 PM, June 30, 2005  
Blogger Beans said...

Oh yeah and thanks for keeping me up to date on the currents, I didnt know half of that stuff happened man, wowsers, complete wowsers.

2:36 PM, June 30, 2005  
Blogger Aarwenn said...

Hmmmmm. I used to tend toward the female way of thinking on this, but TheBoy has pointed out to me several times before this that he doesn't think the same way, and I have to say I've changed sides to his way of thinking! And after reading such a well-written post, it makes the male point of view even more clear. Good for you--and TheBoy, for educating me. :)

6:43 AM, July 01, 2005  
Blogger Shelly said...

My problem, as a "girl" is that the "boy" in the family likes to CREATE work, as in "Let's redesign the basement and landscape the backyard this weekend"! EVERY weekend there is something new.

I WISH I could be left alone to do dishes and scrub toilets. It is way more fun than digging a 100 foot-long, 4 foot-deep drainage ditch BY HAND, or re-arranging the laundry area every three months...

9:54 AM, July 05, 2005  

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