Thursday, July 07, 2005

ANNOUNCEMENT: I have no patience

That's right, I have no patience when it come to stupid people. And no, I don't like to explain something more than 15 times.

I was told today, by someone whose opinion actually matters to me that I need to be more patient. Are you fuckin’ kidding me? I have to be more patient with people who have no patience with me? Is that why when I fuck up; people are on me like white on rice? Why the fuck am I judged by such a higher standard? WTF

I tried explaining to someone at work how MY filing system works. It might not be the best system, but it makes sense and it works. The filing system separates files according to the particular stage of the work that it is in and than it is broken down further. So there are PENDING, TO BE PURGE, APPROVED, SCHEDULE and so forth. And if I ever need to grab out all the pending ones or all the approved ones, I can. That’s why it is broken down that way.

Now I tried explaining to this someone numerous times since she has been here the four months she's been here. Each time, I was met with resistance and interruption. Ok… fine… you stinkin, dumb-ass COW. Don’t fuckin ask me next time.

Today she said, “I cannot find this file”, I go to the SCHEDULED files and found it in less then 5 seconds, right where it was suppoed to be. I tried again to explain to her how the filing system is and she had the nerve to tell me she already looked there, twice.

Bitch… look harder! We have medical, dental and vision coverage here, use it and buy some glasses. Your stupid ass defensive statement implies in some way it was misfiled. Yes, you stupid bitch, I purposely hid it because I like working with you so much that I would actually WANT you to come to me to converse with me. And when you do ask me where it is, I magically pull it out of my ass and give it to you, so I can be the hero in your eyes. Oh PURLEASE, STFU and leave me alone.

And if a file is on a certain drive on a server, and you map the drive. You refer to the file by the file name. NOT the letter of the drive you map the drive to. You might have mapped it K: but mine is actually G: and by saying “it’s on the K: drive” doesn’t actually tell me shit. There is 8 GIGs of files on that drive. The file you are “referring” to is only 2 and a half megs. That is just as stupid as me saying, “The road I drove to work is parked in the parking lot” and then proceed to say, “my road need an oil change” or “my road is making a funny sound when I turn left”. Does that make any sense to anyone?

And it is NOT ok to call it whatever the fuck we want; there are rules to the English language. We agree that a certain word associate to a specific thing! Starting today, I am going to call bananas "oranges" and see how many times I get corrected. Then I am going to tell them they need to be more patient and that I can it call it whatever the fuck I want.


Blogger Beans said...

patience is indeed a virtue man but then so is abstinence but that doesnt work either, i think i heard that somewhere, i dont know.
i confuse myself.
In any case...
Yeah Scooter is so ok that he was able to knock down the trash can and spread its contents all over the kitchen, dining, and living rooms and then receive a swat from the newspaper. Yeah he's alright.
ill try to put up some more pictures of him and his hot mama... me !! lol joking joking.

9:37 AM, July 07, 2005  
Blogger Beans said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:37 AM, July 07, 2005  
Blogger Beans said...

i posted twice thats why there's a deleted one, what a loser.

9:41 AM, July 07, 2005  
Blogger The World Against Me said...

No worries... haha..

I know I am an awful person... I am going to go to hell and my wife is going to divorce me and take the kids. But I believe I just treat people the way I am treated... I just don't understand why there is a sliding scale of standard, and it seems to slide with your intelligence and your ability to do your work.

Demi Moore said it best in G.I. Jane, "Just treat me the same. No better, No worst."

I am glad Scooter is much better. So it was Kennel cough and not distemper? Good news.

9:45 AM, July 07, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait... I don't get what you're talking about.

Can you explain it to me again????

4:30 PM, July 07, 2005  
Blogger The World Against Me said...

You know Jen.. that comment would actually be funny... if it wasn't true.. hahah ^_^

8:07 AM, July 08, 2005  
Blogger STP said...

LMAO...I think we might have been seperated at birth! This is so me...I have no patience what so ever for stupid people...I can't even pretend either. I just have to walk away from people in this office.

11:29 AM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger The World Against Me said...

That's the problem, I can't just walk away. I try most of the time.. other time.. I have to call them up on it.. /sigh

11:12 PM, July 13, 2005  
Blogger STP said...

It's always fun to mess with them...oh, the stories I could tell you. I think some people are only here for me to practice my mean skills on. God love em!

12:17 PM, July 15, 2005  

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