Thursday, September 29, 2005

I've shot! er.. tagged..

I am only doing this cause I fear the meme gods (whoever they are):

    Three Random Facts About My Closet:

  1. It has a door, but it is rarely closed

  2. It has a bunch of clothes hanging on it, but most of it is either stuff I don’t wear or my wife’s

  3. I have 2 boxes of “stuff” that I was too lazy to unpack when I moved into the house, 2 years ago…

    Three Items I've Never Worn But Still Haven't Tossed:

  1. A bunch of Disney Incredible shirts I got for cheap. I mean to wear it around the house, I am just not home that often..

  2. A pair of Dockers shoes I brought a year ago, it’s a bit tight.

  3. I can only think of these two, I know there are more… can you tell I don’t spend much time looking through my closet… to be honest, I don’t know much about what’s in it… ^_^

    Three Items I'll Never Get Rid Of, No Matter How Ugly They Get:

  1. My 15 year old BUM Equipment swearshirt. This use to be DARK purple/blue, now it’s a very faded baby pastel-ly blue

  2. My brown suede jacket that my wife brought me years ago. I love how this jacket hangs on me.

  3. My Dallas Cowboys Beanie

    Three Items People Wouldn't Expect To Find In My Closet:

  1. A 2 thousand dollar projector, throw haphazardly in a box (one of the 2 boxes of “stuff”

  2. An old Cherry Poptart Comic book, I got when I was a freshman in high school. (if you don’t know what this is, please don’t ask…)

  3. A Cat Carrier

    Three items that made me go, "Oh Lord, what was I thinking?":

    To be honest.. I don’t really have any of those…
    I have been wearing the basic jeans, T-shirt, sweatshirt, a couple of slacks kind guy.

    Three things that I have a surprising number of:

  1. T-shirt

  2. White Socks

  3. Gap Sweatshirts

    Three dominant colors in my wardrobe:

    Black, Blue and er.. the other Black

    Three items that never fail to put me in a good mood whenever I wear them:

  1. My brown leather jacket

  2. A Banana Republic jacket that is a bit too small at the chest, but a bit too long at the sleeves. But I feel so cool when I don it.

  3. My pajama pants that I can never find

I tag Angel, Elizabeth Ann Spraitz and Ramblin’ Girl.


Blogger Beans said...

Whaa... You have a Dallas Cowboys beanie???
We are friends.
You can use my GAP discount.
Thanks for the financial advise. I needed it about a year ago when I got a credit card and lent it to my Dad, who then proceeded to max it out and leave me with the bill. Its paid off now though.
Thank goodness for 3 jobs.
Hey if Kanye has a financial advisor, Beans can have one too.

11:53 AM, September 30, 2005  
Blogger Shananigans said...

Thanks for being a good sport and doing this TWAM. I always suspected that men leave the closet mostly to their women ;)

Out of loyalty to my friends I know I’m supposed to dis the Dallas Cowboys whenever they come up so… “Booooo Cowboys” They’re Redskins fans. Hey how about that Monday game a couple of weeks ago? Hehe. I couldn’t care less about the NFL. I guess I was raised to be a Green Bay fan, but who gives a crap? My downstairs neighbors are from Texas and have a shitload of Dallas stuff in their place. Their dog even had a Cowboys headband that she wears around her neck.

Now college football, that’s something I can get into. Indiana game at Camp Randall bright and early tomorrow (thank god for TiVo)! Go Badgers!

And why on earth do you have a 2 thousand dollar projector?

12:21 PM, September 30, 2005  
Blogger The World Against Me said...

hehe.. You guys are funny.

Yeah yeah.. rub it in.. I missed the last few minutes of the game. (I did watch the last few minutes of the forty-Whiner game). How did you like that game? haha

But since we are having a pissing contest (me and your friends anyways..)

Ask your friends what win/loss record is for the rivalry.. if I am not mistaken.. It is 48-33-2. Cowboys leading ^_^

And we have 5 Rings to your 3 =)

We won last 14 of 16. And besides the game they won on Monday Night, the last time they won one in Dallas as 1995. See the pattern? I think I can wait till 2015 to see them win again. Always loved an underdog =)

Ok.. enough shit talking, I know you are just being loyal to your friends , I admire that. I am no mean a fanatic. I only have a beanie and a couple of Emmitt Smith action figures and that's it.

Never really got into college football (I love college basketball thou, hate NBA) I guess I am reverse. Hard to keep up with the players in College football..

It was one of those portable projector that you can hook your computer or video equipment to. I got it at a discount when I left my Dot Bomb job. I got me through a couple of college presentations and I think my wife and I watch a couple of movies on it. It's actually a pretty cool little thing.. if we had room, I think we would actually use it more often...

Note to self: Must Make Room

1:15 PM, September 30, 2005  
Blogger Beans said...

Cowboys man...
Honestly, I, like Shananigans is more of a college football person.
Go Horns!
I should have stayed my ass at UT.
My brother is pretty hardcore when it comes to the Cowboys, he gets pissed, all cussing in Spanish at the TV.
Yeah im going to stop working when I win the lottery.
I do need a boyfriend, that I do...

1:15 PM, September 30, 2005  
Blogger ramblin' girl said...

cowboys? now I have to take you off my must read list...
ok, I'll just skip over the mention as I did so effectively until EVERYONE had to mention them in your comments...

anyway, thanks for the tag, I have a bunch I need to get around to... as soon as I'm in town for more than a coupla days...

9:16 AM, October 04, 2005  

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